The Feng Shui Talisman, called Pa Kua, represents the union of Feng Sui with I Ching (The Oracle of Change). The Feng Si Talisman is represented by the Yin Yang symbol (Tao) surrounded by 8 trigrams. According to tradition, the Pa Kua Talisman is blessed with a great amount of energy which can influence in a beneficial manner the environment in which we are. Feng Shui Talisman is a sort of map in which cardinal points, elements and sectors of your life meet to make a tool of incredible beneficial strength, to attract Feng Shui Luck which you need.

Feng Shui TalismanThe Feng Shui Talisman or "Pa Kua" can give positive energy to anyone who decides to take it with them or hang it in their house or office to distance negative spirits or evil in general. The Feng Shui Talisman produces serenity and well-being, leading you to express the best of yourself in every situation however easy or difficult it may be. The energy and Feng Shui cures and charms are powerful enough to be almost compared to a magic force which fights evil with all means available, inseminating joy and inner peace in every animate or inanimate element of the environment in which they are placed.