I Ching - The Book of Changes

Don't you know what an I Ching is? Find out on our site! Thanks to us at Ching Oracle, you can learn about any element of Chinese astrology culture! What does your I Ching say? A small piece of daily advice will help you choose the right path to act in harmony with those around you. Discover how to obtain your I Ching and how to interpret the answer in the correct way! For the East, knowing one's I Ching is essential for facing the day and its challenges.
The book of I Ching, also known as the "book of change" is one of the five classic books of Confucianism. I Ching are over three thousand years old, even if the symbols used for the divinations are even older, going back to 5000 years ago. I Ching is not an actual and true forecast of the future but provides a clear vision of the present and gives indications on how to face the moment we are living. "It goes beyond" the question posed, exposing the deepest truths of nature and our subconscious: naturally by interrogating the I Ching, we also obtain the forecast of a certain event, but this will always depend on our discretion and will.

Your I Ching
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Discover Yin and Yang, the ancient symbols of the eternal Tao, the origin of Everything. Black and white, light and dark, positive principle and negative principle and you? Are you Yin or Yang? Yin and Yang have a thousand-year-old tradition. Discover immediately if your nature is Yin or Yang.
In this section, we will discover how the ancient Devine system can help define the features that connect us or distance us from other people. Let us help you through the ancient wisdom of I Ching.
Ching Meaning: Don't you know What is I Ching? Let Ching Oracle help! In this section, you will learn about I Ching but, above all, what they represent on the Eastern cultural horizon.
History of I Ching: The History of I Ching is full of vital information to understand in depth the entire I Ching system.
F.A.Q.: If you have any questions on I Ching, this ancient system of Chinese divination, we can give you all the answers you need in FAQ I Ching
The eight trigrams: The Eight Trigrams at the base of the I Ching system of divination were created by observing the cracks on a tortoise's shell and symbolise the eight main forces of the Universe.